Legal Video Redaction and Enhancement

Chicago HD is a secure, experienced provider of comprehensive video redaction and video enhancement services that your law firm can trust to process requests your department receives for editing any form of digital media evidence. Our media professionals are trained in processing video and audio evidence and we understand the gravity of our work, taking great pride in caring for our customers. We securely handle your footage from start to finish, and either destroy all assets we’ve received upon completion of your project or we safely archive your data for a period of time agreed upon by all parties.

Simply put, video redaction involves blurring faces, bodies, signage and anything in your video or photographic evidence that you deem necessary to protect from view. Video enhancement includes anything from highlighting or zooming into specific areas of an image to sharpness and brightness adjustments to speed changes, like slowing video down (slow motion) or speeding video up (time-lapse).

Types of evidence we process include audio, photographic stills, and video, including CCTV footage, interrogation and interview footage, helicopter and drone footage, and critical incident footage.

Our customers include legal service providers, healthcare providers, retailers and more. Let us relieve you of the of the time and resources necessary to process your digital media evidence securely and accurately.

Please contact us to discuss your legal video redaction and/or legal video enhancement needs.